- BreezySLAM
- PyRoboViz
- Python 3
- Operating System -Ubuntu (18.04)
- Does not work with Windows
- Clone or Download the above git repository
- cd to BreezySLAM/python and run the following command
$ sudo python3 install
- For installing the rplidar python package run the following pip command
$ sudo pip3 install rplidar
- For seeing the live animation of the map, we install PyRoboViz
- cd to PyRoboViz folder and run the following command
sudo python3 install
- cd to PyRoboViz folder and run the following command
Running Slam
- Connect the lidar to the system via a USB port and run the following command in the terminal
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
- From the BreezySLAM/examples folder run the rpslam .py file to get live map of the surrounding.