Raspberry PI uses the UART interface as a serial console by default. We have to deactivate this first! Connect to the PI and run:
sudo raspi-config
Option 5, P6 (Serial), No, Yes
sudo reboot
Then, we need to connect the GPS module to the Raspberry PI. There are only 4 wires (F to F), so it's a simple connection. Use if you don't know the numbering.
Neo-6M RPI:
- VCC to Pin 1, which is 3.3v
- TX to Pin 10, which is RX (GPIO15)
- RX to Pin 8, Which is TX (GPIO14)
- Gnd to Pin 6, which is Gnd
sudo killall gpsd
sudo gpsd /dev/serial0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
sudo cat /dev/serial0
You should be able to see some messages:
For Terminal Output
Then, run:
sudo gpsmon /dev/serial0
sudo cgps -s