Using the PiCamera Module

For using the PiCamera on a Raspberry Pi, you should, after connecting the camera to the Raspberry, update and upgrade your pi with:

sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get upgrade

That may take some short time.

Then, you have to enable the camera in the raspberry settings by: 'sudo raspi-config'

Reboot the pi after that:

sudo reboot

Give some time for the pi to reboot and log again into it.

Finally, test your camera with:

raspistill -o image.jpg

(it takes a picture and saves it as image.jpg)

After that, a new jpeg file should appear in your directory.

General Helpfull information about PiCamera (

Visualizing pictures via ssh

If you want to display the images of image files in your computer, make sure to connect to the pi with:

ssh -X pi@<pi_adress>(focus on the -X)

Install feh if you the don't have it yet:

sudo apt-get install feh

And finally do:

feh <image_file>.jpg