Creating an ad hoc node with a Raspberry Pi

Create a script for setting up the interfaces on boot
cd ~ && touch && chmod +x
sudo nano

And write this in the file:

# Tell batman-adv which interface to use
sudo batctl if add wlan0
# Activates the interfaces for batman-adv
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo ifconfig bat0 up # bat0 is created via the first command 

Now, create two files in /etc/network/interfaces.d called bat0 and wlan0:
cd /etc/network/interfaces.d

Backup your current wlan0:
sudo cp wlan0 wlan0.old

Then write in the wlan0 file:
sudo nano wlan0

And put this:

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
   mtu 1532
   wireless-channel 3
   wireless-essid meshPi
   wireless-mode ad-hoc
   wireless-ap 02:12:34:56:78:9A

Then create and write the bat0 file:
sudo nano bat0

And write:

auto bat0
iface bat0 inet auto
   pre-up /usr/sbin/batctl if add wlan0

Now, install batman-adv:
sudo apt-get install -y batctl

And do the following: Have batman-adv startup automatically on boot:
echo 'batman-adv' | sudo tee --append /etc/modules
Prevent DHCPCD from automatically configuring wlan0:
echo 'denyinterfaces wlan0' | sudo tee --append /etc/dhcpcd.conf
Now, go back to home:
And enable interfaces on boot:
echo "$(pwd)/" >> ~/.bashrc

Now, reboot:
sudo reboot

Test if it worked (you should see “wlan0: active”):
sudo batctl if
